Resources Jadedisland Resources Jadedisland

Apps for Mental Health

Self Care apps to assist with Therapy

Here is a list of apps to keep in mind while attending Therapy, it is not a replacement for therapy but a tool for your sessions.


  1. Mind Shift - (Available for IOS & Android)

  2. Self-Help for Anxiety Management (SAM) - (Available for IOS & Android)

  3. CBT Thought Record Diary - (Available for IOS & Android)

Bipolar Disorder

  1. IMoodJournal - ($2.99; iOS and Android)

  2. eMoods - (Available for IOS & Android)

  3. Daylio - (Available for IOS & Android)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

  • nOCD - (Free; iOS & Android)

  • Worry Watch - ($3.99; iOS)

  • GG OCD - (Free; iOS & Android)


  • PTSD Coach - (Free; iOS and Android)

  • Breathe2Relax - (Free; iOS and Android)


  • Happify - (Free; iOS and Android)

  • Mood Tools - (Free; iOS and Android)

  • #Selfcare - (Free; iOS and Android)

Mindfulness and Meditation

  • Headspace - ($12.99/Month or $9.99/Year for students; iOS and Android)

  • Calm - ($12.99/Month; iOS and Android)

  • Ten Percent Happier - ($12.99/Month; iOS and Android)

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